AtU2 Week In Review: July 22, 2020
As always, AtU2 brings you the latest in U2 News.
Civil Rights Icon John Lewis Passes Away
This week, American civil rights leader and congressman John Lewis died at age 80. He was known as one of the Big Six of the American civil rights movement, participating in the historic Freedom Rides, the Selma “Bloody Sunday” March and the March on Washington.
He was a big inspiration to Bono; both men received Freedom Awards from the National Civil Rights Museum in 2004. At the ceremony, Bono told the attending students: “When your parents ask you what you did today, don’t tell them about me. Tell them you want to be like John Lewis, a man who is a true hero of mine.”
Q Magazine Closes Down
After 34 years, Q Magazine is unfortunately closing. The long-standing magazine fell prey to the COVID-19 pandemic, which worsened problems of a declining print media market. The issue coming out on July 28 will be the last ̶ it will be a commemorative issue with highlights from the magazine’s 34-year history.
Over the years, U2 was featured frequently in the magazine, often with long interviews and articles. Some stand-outs include “The Ten Commandments Of Bono,” interviews about The Best Of 1980-1990, the ZooTV Tour, and some words straight from Bono’s mouth in “U2’s Bono: Rumors Of His Demise Have Been Greatly Exagerrated.” One particular interview is full of lovely chaos in which Larry is ferociously fanatic at the pool table, Adam still drinks beverages other than tea, Edge dodges questions about Achtung Baby and Bono is his usual charming and philosophizing self.
Check them out if you can!
Virtual U2 Conference Announced
Mark October 18-24 in your calendar, as it’s time for another U2 Conference! A virtual version this year, the theme is “Heartland: U2’s Looking For American Soul.”
The band’s complicated relationship with America is highlighted from different angles: “U2 loves, lives in and leverages America, all while feeling free to critique, correct and create America. We invite fans, students and scholars to a week of online conversations and critical inquiry into U2’s complicated history of looking for American soul. We’ll be planning multiple formats for attendees to engage in presentations, connect with each other and enjoy the conference community at different times throughout the week.”
There are various ways to participate.
– As a scholar: Write a paper, give a presentation, engage in a discussion panel etc. about U2 and America. See here for more details and info.
– As a fan: Give a presentation, lead or participate in a discussion or panel, interview a person of interest or showcase another creative expression of your U2 fandom. See here for more details and info.
The deadline for all proposals is August 31, 2020.
U2 X-Radio
Things were a bit quieter this week on U2 X-Radio. There was a new Close to the Edge episode featuring Tom Morello, in which he and Edge talked race relations and the rise of protest in the U.S., among other things.
© @U2/Meijer, 2020.