AtU2 brings you all the news U2 fans can use in the Week In Review.
Bono’s Handwritten Lyrics Raise £76,000 At Island Records Charity Auction
Island Records organized the fundraiser, One Love COVID-10 Relief Auction, to support NHS Charities and Feeding America. Memorabilia from several celebrities hit the auction block, including Amy Winehouse’s stilettos, a personalized ringtone composed by Brian Eno and Bono’s handwritten lyrics to “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For.” The song is a fan-favorite from their album, The Joshua Tree, and has been played 691 times in concert. Bono’s contribution amounted to over 40% of the total amount raised at auction. Read more in The Irish Post’s coverage here.
New Dates Announced For Record Store Day
Record Store Day was originally planned for April 18th with U2 once again participating with a new vinyl re-release of “11 O’Clock Tick Tock.” The event was later postponed due to coronavirus but is now rescheduled to happen over three new dates: August 29th, September 26th and October 24th. Record Store Day’s US and UK sites include a list of participating stores, with the US site including the best method to purchase from each store: in-store shopping, curbside pickup, local delivery or online sales with shipping.
Joshua Tree National Park Reopens After Two-Month Closure Due To Coronavirus
Fans everywhere can now visit the famous Joshua tree again because Joshua Tree National Park is now open. Visitor centers and group campsites are closed; however, family campsites, trails and parking lots are all open. Park officials recommend visitors take several steps to ensure a safe visit to the park, including following social distancing rules and bringing your own hand sanitizer as most of the restroom facilities do not have running water. Find all the details on the park’s reopening at the Los Angeles Times here.
There is lots of great original content we have added to the site recently. Fake Bono and Fake Edge share how they have stayed in shape during lockdown. Collin recorded a podcast covering a deep dive into U2’s engagement in TV and movies fueled by your Twitter/Facebook comments. Or even last week’s “Week In Review.” We are also working on our own fan letters, inspired by’s Twitter call for #fanletters2U2 in response to the #Bono60 letters on Part I is now live here! Pat II and III are coming later this week.
© @U2/Hurwitz, 2020