Here are the latest headlines in U2 news:
Bono Appeared at UN Headquarters to Help Launch the Drive for Five Campaign
On Tuesday, February 11, 2020, Bono joined former president of Ireland, Mary Robinson, at the United Nations in New York City to assist in launching a global education movement called the Drive for Five campaign. The United Nations’ 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development encompasses 17 goals. The fifth goal is gender equality, specifically to “empower women and girls and ensure their equal rights.” The Drive for Five campaign seeks to inspire governments worldwide to commit to five educational initiatives for women and girls: “guarantee that every girl receives 12 years of free quality education; provide supportive school environments through gender-sensitive curriculums, mentoring and menstrual hygiene facilities; strengthen teacher training and provide girls with quality education; ensure that every girl is safe from violence; and keep girls healthy and in school by providing adequate water, sanitation and hygiene facilities.” The Permanent Mission of Ireland co-hosted the event with UN Women, the One Campaign and the Global Partnership for Education.
Bono’s 60th Birthday Is 90 Days Away!
Bono’s 60th birthday is May 10, 2020. Some fans are marking the day in a Facebook group called Bono’s Global Birthday Bash:
Bono Posts Instagram Tribute to Actor Kirk Douglas
Bono posted a short tribute on @U2 (the band’s official Instagram account) to American actor Kirk Douglas, who passed away at the age of 104 on February 5, 2020. Standing under a shining moon, Bono referred to Douglas as a “great actor, a great man,” and finished by noting that the night had “a great moon to miss him under.”
© @U2/Brown, 2020