Here are the latest headlines in U2 news.
Beloved RTE Broadcaster Larry Gogan Mourned
Long-time RTE broadcaster Larry Gogan died on January 7, 2020. The Dublin-born Gogan was known for his popular shows The Golden Hour and The Larry Gogan Show. Gogan often said that U2 was his favorite band, and that he’d been a fan since the 1970s. Larry Mullen, Jr. appeared on Gogan’s RTE 2fm show whenever the band released a new album, and the two became good friends. Following Gogan’s death, Mullen sent a statement to RTE 2fm which read, in part, “Our friendship was not traditional, as in – we didn’t spend countless hours together…we didn’t need to. Just a few interviews and the occasional long lunch. We connected somehow. Maybe it was our shared North Side credentials, or most likely the constant messages back and forth through our mutual friend Paul Russell.” Mullen attended the funeral for Gogan on Friday, January 10, 2020 at the Church of St. Pius X in Templeogue, Dublin. A bouquet of purple and white flowers was also seen and included a handwritten card with the message, “There’s no end to grief, that’s how we know there’s no end to love.” It was signed “Bono, Edge, Adam, Larry.” Subscription Renewal Notices Sent subscribers have begun receiving notices to renew their memberships, but the reminders do not mention what, if any, gift will be included with the 2020 subscription. Some current subscribers report that they are still waiting to receive the Live Songs of iNNOCENCE + eXPERIENCE double CD set that was part of the previous year’s subscription.
(c)/Pflughaupt, @U2 2020