Shine Like Stars In The Winter Light: The 2019 Holiday Card Exchange

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Other than checking our mailboxes for the arrival of hard-copy U2 tour tickets, or our long-long-long-awaited U2 fan club gifts, or that vintage concert t-shirt we totally don’t need (but really actually do need), when was the last time we raced to the mailbox in anticipation of, well, anything uplifting? Let’s change that this holiday season.

For the past two decades, a dedicated U2 fan has orchestrated a U2 holiday card exchange. This year, our U2 friend is mourning a loss in her family. As Bono asks of us at each show, “Hold us up…Hold Larry up…Hold Adam up…Hold up The Edge…Hold me up…,” let’s raise our hands and hold our friend—and one another—up and continue this impactful tradition.

Here’s how it works. Please send an email by December 4, 2019 to expressing your interest in participating in the card exchange, indicating your full name and mailing address. You’ll receive a mailing list via email by December 8, 2019. When you receive the list, please write and send holiday cards (actual physical cards, with envelopes and stamps) to the next 10 people listed after your name. If you want to send out cards to more than 10 people on the list, please go for it. In your message, feel free to share your favorite song, lyric, concert experience, U2 moment, uplifting message, or any positive U2 anecdote that resonates with you this holiday season.

On stage, Bono talks about being one quarter of an artist without his three bandmates and one half a man without Ali. Let’s honor and hold one another up as formidable units of our collective U2 tribe. As individuals we are a powerful part within a magnificent whole. Let’s continue to carry each other. One love. Happy holidays.

Heidi Brown (c) @U2