Adam Clayton to Promote Positive Mental Health on Tonight’s Absolute Radio

Adam Clayton will be a guest on tonight’s Danielle Perry show for the U.K.’s Absolute Radio. Perry’s broadast starts at 7:00 pm, local time.

Absolute Radio will be promoting positive mental health conversations during Perry’s show this week through a dedicated special segment entitled Time To Listen. The program will include several guests, including musicians and comedians, who will discuss the songs that have inspired them and steered them through times of darkness. 

Each Time To Listen guest will discuss one story and one song that has helped support their mental health well-being. Other guests comfimed include muscians Sam Fender, Skin (lead singer of Skunk Anansie) and Miles Kane.

It is not known if the guest spots are pre-recorded or live in the studio, but it is expected that the Time To Listen features will air at 7.30 pm.

Absolute Radio can be heard via digitial audio broadcast in the UK online here.

Adam Clayton has been an advocate of mental health awareness for several years, most notably for his work with the charity Walk In My Shoes shortly after the charity was formed in 2013 to support aims to break the stigma, raise awareness and support young adults with mental health difficulties.

Danielle Perry

Danielle Perry of Absolute Radio. 
Image courtesy of North Media Talent.

 (c) Aaron Govern / @U2, 2019