“Dare To Dream”: Bono Surprise Guest at Mexico Siglo XXI 2019

Bono 2019

Photo credit: Sherry Lawrence for @U2

Bono made a surprise appearance at the 2019 Mexico Siglo XXI (Mexico 21st Century) event on September 6. He addressed a number of topics in the wide-ranging discussion, but focused on the power of young people in Mexico to change their country and the world. 

“The moral arc of the universe does not bend toward justice,” he said. “It has to be bent toward justice by people like the ones in this room, by students who go out in the streets, by people who join organizations like ONE or support (RED), or whatever it is, we have to bend the arc toward justice. . . . Do not fall asleep in the comfort of your freedom.”

He was later joined onstage by Alison Williams to discuss the importance of activism.

“We need to understand what does and will help. Our investment can change things. Activism can change things,” he said. 

Bono also touched upon the impact his father had on him, the chemistry that powers U2, and the link between music, storytelling, and politics, saying, “My father told me not to dream, because dreaming will disappoint you. And that is when I became a megalomaniac. So dare to dream.”

(c) Betteridge/@U2, 2019