Just updated: @U2’s Bible References in U2 Lyrics

Bible References updated

It’s one of the most popular pages every year on this site, so we know a lot of @U2 readers will be pleased to know that we’ve just completed an update to our Bible References in U2 Lyrics page.

Staffer Tim Neufeld has not only updated this section of the site to cover U2’s last couple albums, but he’s also expanded and organized the entire collection into three types of references:

  • Direct Quotes (lyrics that are clearly taken from specific verses in the Bible)
  • Indirect References (lyrics that are likely referencing the Bible but without quoting specific verses)
  • Possible Influences (lyrics that hint at biblical themes and influences, but have no overt connection)

You’ll see each type of reference as you browse through specific album pages from Boy to Songs Of Experience.

Here’s the link to get started exploring this aspect of U2’s catalog:

Bible References in U2 Lyrics

The intro on that page has more background on the project and a tip for how to get in touch if you have suggestions for Tim to consider.

(c) @U2, 2019.