LISTEN: @U2 Podcast #92 – 10th Anniversary of No Line On The Horizon

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Our first podcast of the new year is out now, and features a trip down memory lane. Aaron, Becky, Christopher, and Chris get on their boots to talk about U2’s 2009 album No Line On The Horizon as it reaches 10 years old. How does it hold up? What about the 360 tour? Are we still going crazy if we don’t go crazy tonight? Listen and find out!

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@U2 Podcast #92 – 10th Anniversary of No Line On The Horizon

We have a couple hashtags you can use to contribute to the podcast going forward:

  • #askatu2 — if you have a response to something you hear on the podcast, or just want to ask a question or suggest future topics
  • #atu2podcast — send a photo of yourself listening to the podcast!

You can watch and listen to this episode right here.