The following is a running collection of news, rumors, quotes, and other information related to U2’s next studio album (or albums, as the case may be). We’ll continue to post updates to this page as we get new information. If you have found a quote or news item about the new U2 album, you’re welcome to share it by emailing webmaster…at…atu2…dot…com.
ALBUM NAME(s): ???
PRODUCER(s): ???
What about Songs Of Ascent?
Songs Of Ascent is an album title that has been in play since Bono mentioned it in March, 2009. It’s easy to speculate that it could be the title of U2’s next record, serving as the final installment in a trio of Songs Of… album titles. But in late 2017, Adam may have put Songs Of Ascent to bed when he said that, while the band will have “lots of leftover pieces” when it comes time to make a new album, “I’m sure we’ll start from scratch.”
Latest News
December 22, 2018: Bono ruminates about a few topics, including U2’s next album, in a subscribers-only video posted today on The video was done last month during a late-night drive through Berlin at the end of the E+I tour. Here’s the part relevant to U2’s next album:
“I’m very excited about the sound this band are making on the e-stage. There seems to me a kind-of punk energy, visceral energy, that shows this band to be the best they’ve ever been. So this is a real moment for us. We can stand right up against anyone, anywhere. And that’s making me think I’d like to make a balls-to-the-wall rock album.”
December 6, 2017: (note: this is five days after the release of Songs Of Experience) Adam Clayton appeared on BBC Radio 2 today and told host Chris Evans that U2 “will be elderly gentlemen” by the time U2 releases its next album. He also said, “We’ve certainly got lots of leftover pieces, but by the time we come to make another record, I’m sure we’ll start from scratch.”