2010 (Survey)

In April 2010, @U2 conducted its fourth U2 Fan Survey and the first since November 2007. The goal is to learn what U2 fans online think about a variety of topics and questions related to U2 and U2 fandom. 

We asked more than 125 questions in 9 categories, and the survey was open for the entire month of April. 

This year, U2 fans in 81 countries around the world took the survey. 4,627 fans completed the whole survey — the second-highest total since we started doing these surveys. (5,388 finished at least the first section, an all-time record.) We believe this is a high enough number to claim that these survey results are an accurate statistical portrayal of U2’s online fan community. Thanks to everyone who participated.

Survey Results

Listed below is the full set of questions asked in the U2 Fan Survey. You can click any question to see its results — the results will open in a pop-up window.