Bono given Freedom Award
October 18, 2004, National Civil Rights Museum, Memphis, TN
Bono and U.S. Representative John Lewis of Georgia were honored with Freedom Awards from the National Civil Rights Museum in Memphis on October 18, 2004.
The day began with a public forum where Bono and Lewis spoke with hundreds of students. “We’ve got a whole lot of marching to do,” Bono said. “This is the generation. This is the time. Memphis, I believe in you.”
Later, Bono toured the Lorraine Motel, which is attached to the museum and is the site of Dr. Martin Luther King’s assassination in 1968. It was then on to a press conference before the day concluded with the banquet and awards ceremony honoring Bono and Rep. Lewis.
@U2’s Michelle Watson was on hand to photograph and report on the event for @U2.
News (most recent first)
- October 19: Memphis Commercial-Appeal – Freedom Awards Heroes for Humanity