@U2 Staff
In addition to their regular contributions here on @U2, many of our staffers are active on other sites, too. If you’re interested in connecting with any of our crew, try the sites & links below.
Scott Calhoun: @U2conference on Twitter | also on Facebook (conference) and Facebook (personal)
Kelly Eddington: @kellyeddington on Twitter
Christopher Endrinal: @cjsendrinal on Twitter
Kenny Irwin: @singnomore on Twitter
Karen Lindell: @klindell on Twitter
Liseth Meijer: @acrobatgirl on Twitter
Becky Myers: @bmyers on Twitter
Tim Neufeld: @timneufeld on Twitter | also on Facebook
Ross Perry: @rossgperry on Twitter
Ian Ryan: @ianpryan on Twitter
Geoff Wilson: @U2gw on Twitter