@U2 is always interested in hearing from our readers and U2 fans around the world. Whether you have a news tip you want to send us, or an idea for an article/essay you’d like to write, we want to hear about it!
How to Submit a News Tip
If you’ve found an interesting U2-related news story or photo online, or something you think we should know about, please email us: news…at…atu2…dot…com.
When you send an email to that address, it goes to a handful of news staffers and someone should be able to act on it fairly quickly. We try to send replies to submissions as often as possible, but don’t be alarmed if you don’t hear back from us right away.
How to Submit an Article/Essay
Some of the best stories we’ve posted on @U2 have come from our readers. And sometimes, these submissions are so good we end up making the author a member of our staff. We are always interested in receiving reader submissions!
If you have an article or essay, please send it to us as a raw text file or a MS Word document. Use the same address as above: news…at…atu2…dot…com.
After we get your submission, the article will be reviewed by the entire news staff to determine if it’s appropriate for publishing on @U2. This is always a group decision. If any edits/changes are recommended, we will work with you on that via email.
What We Want
Really, just about anything. It can be a “hard news” article about a U2-related event you attended … a personal essay about something U2-related that’s important to you … a review or commentary about something U2 has released or done … and so forth. It can be serious, funny, critical, glowing with praise – you name it. Make sure your article is accurate, fair, and fully researched.
What We Don’t Want
We don’t want articles about how cute a band member is … articles that delve too deeply into the band’s personal lives … etc. We don’t accept guest articles for our “Like A Song” series. And here’s a hint: Over the years, the main reason submissions have not been published is that they read more like a forum post or a mailing list message than an article. So put some effort into it. Make sure all your facts are correct. Make sure your opinions are supported by facts.
That’s how easy it is – we look forward to hearing from you soon!