U2 Connections Intro

U2 Connections is a guide to the larger musical/literary/artistic world via U2’s interactions with it. Every artist fits into a circle of like-minded artists, and these circles link in many different directions, but U2 makes a very good jumping-off point. U2 has an appeal that spans far wider than many of the artists we’ll mention here, and yet they do not separate themselves from the larger world of art and culture. They tread fearlessly into both “high art” and “low art.” They’ve connected with people as diverse as Bob Dylan and B.B. King, Guns ‘n’ Roses and Public Enemy, Salman Rushdie and Brendan Kennelly and Wim Wenders, which in turn has encouraged their fans to sample what else is out there, beyond (but still somehow touched by) U2. U2 is gateway; it is part of their very soul and function. It is their name — “you too” — join in, become a part of this.