CEDARWOOD Children’s Book Coming Soon

Have you heard about CEDARWOOD: A FAIRYTALE OF iNNOCENCE? It’s out on September 26, and here’s a look at Adam, in a new image from the book the authors wanted to share first with our @U2 readers. Adam’s lost his glasses in the grass, and Bono has stopped to help look for them.

There are so many cool things about this new book by Andre Thyret and Melanie Dohle, with illustrations by MAXIM. It’s for children; it’s inspired by U2; the proceeds go to support (RED)’s fight against AIDS; and, it’s a labor of love by the authors, who wanted to turn “inspiration into action,” as they said, and answer (RED)’s question of “What are you going to do to stop AIDS?”

As longtime U2 fans with two young daughters, Thyret and Dohle wanted to make a book for “ages 3-99” that captured the essence of doing a kind thing for someone else. CEDARWOOD tells the story of

the little boy Bono who wants more than anything to visit a concert of his musical hero on the Southside of town. On his journey across Dublin, he meets his best friends and feels they are all in trouble somehow and in a different way. Kind and generous Bono helps them out with selfless patience. Meanwhile time is ticking. Will he arrive on time and what does it really take to be a hero?

You can learn a lot more at the CEDARWOOD site and place your order for a limited-edition hardback in English or one of the paperbacks in five different languages. I hear there are postcards with images from the book in the works too. Follow their Facebook page for even more discussion.

I can’t wait to get a copy when it’s out on September 26. We’ll be enjoying it at home, young and old alike, but I’m especially looking forward to sharing it with the littlest two of our girls. I’ll report back with their review.