PHOTO: It Looks Like Someone Cut the Joshua Tree

Joshua Tree cut

In our forum last night, member “Hwy 190” shared the photo above that shows what clearly looks like a clean saw cut to the fallen Joshua tree — i.e., the actual tree from the inner cover of U2’s album. The forum member lives in the California desert and says s/he’s been visiting the site of the tree (which fell in 2000) regularly, including a visit a few days ago.

This past Sunday, I made my proverbial yearly hike out to the Tree with my dog to reminisce only to find that some hack and I do mean hack, decided it was a bright idea to take a hacksaw to one of the Tree’s limbs – evidently to remove an inch thick cross section as a souvenir. Are you kidding me? I won’t even elaborate as to how pathetic this is.

My most recent visit to the tree site was in October 2009 with several other @U2 staffers. We have a few dozen photos on Flickr from the visit — you can clearly see that the tree, although fallen and laying on the ground, doesn’t have any clean cuts like what you see in the photo above.
