American Actor George Clooney, who is an activist in his own right, recently told Access Hollywood that he isn’t interested in pursuing a career in politics. Though he’s been vocal about his involvement in bringing support to the people of Sudan, he claims he has too much less-than-honorable behavior in his past that would prevent him from running for office.
He went on to say that Bono is a celebrity who he admires for using his fame to bring attention to important issues. In reference to the front-man he said, “There is more attention on celebrity than ever before — and there is a use for that besides selling products.”
Clooney and Bono have been involved in many of the same humanitarian events, but one that comes immediately to mind is the America: A Tribute to Heroes benefit following the 9/11 terrorist attacks. Clooney spoke right before U2 played a beautiful rendition of “Walk On.” May they both be successful in their continued quests for peace and justice.
(c) Kokkoris/@U2, 2011.