U2 is in the Pro Football Hall of Fame

You know that U2 is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, but did you know they’re also in the Pro Football Hall of Fame? It’s true!

I visited the Cleveland area in late June, and you may have seen the Flickr photoset of my Rock Hall/U2 pics. Some pretty cool stuff.

But just about an hour south of Cleveland is Canton, Ohio — home of the Pro Football Hall of Fame. And since I love football almost as much as U2, I had to drive down and check out the HOF. It’s a great place. If you’re a football fan, you really have to make the trip to Canton. And if you’re also a U2 fan, you’ll enjoy seeing this on the wall in the Super Bowl Gallery area:

U2 at Pro Football Hall of Fame 1

U2 at Pro Football Hall of Fame 2

This is from a glass display highlighting some of the Super Bowl halftime shows, and as you can see, U2’s performance in 2002 is featured front and center. Pretty cool.