You know that U2 is in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, but did you know they’re also in the Pro Football Hall of Fame? It’s true!
I visited the Cleveland area in late June, and you may have seen the Flickr photoset of my Rock Hall/U2 pics. Some pretty cool stuff.
But just about an hour south of Cleveland is Canton, Ohio — home of the Pro Football Hall of Fame. And since I love football almost as much as U2, I had to drive down and check out the HOF. It’s a great place. If you’re a football fan, you really have to make the trip to Canton. And if you’re also a U2 fan, you’ll enjoy seeing this on the wall in the Super Bowl Gallery area:
This is from a glass display highlighting some of the Super Bowl halftime shows, and as you can see, U2’s performance in 2002 is featured front and center. Pretty cool.