You probably all know that feeling: you’re in a foreign country, you walk into a supermarket with a crystal clear plan of what you want to buy, but then… you can’t find it for the life of you. None of the brands look familiar, all the colors are different and nothing is sorted the way you’re used to. This usually results in an aimless wandering in the shop, going round in circles, while you’re becoming increasingly frustrated about this fruitless search.
As a U2 fan, my eyes automatically find U2 books, CDs et cetera in stores without me consciously looking for them – after all those years they just seem conditioned to do that. In a book or music shop, that would be perfectly normal. But when I was in Chile recently, it quite unexpectedly happened in a supermarket – in the personal care section.
I couldn’t believe it at first. U2 hair coloring! That would be perfect in case Adam ever misses his blonde days… Apart from hair dye, this Chilean brand also sells treatment and styling products. Now who wouldn’t want U2 to put an end to those pesky bad hair days?
The only question is: is it any good? Magnificent? Or a total disaster? If any Chilean fans out there would like to comment, please go ahead, I’m dy(e)ing to know ;-).
(c) Meijer/@U2, 2010