Holy (Cup Of) Joe, Bono!

Bono Howard Schultz Starbucks - photo courtesy of Starbucks

photo courtesy of (RED) / (c) (RED)

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer is reporting on a special appearance by Bono yesterday at the annual Starbucks managers conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Bono was there to support the new partnership between (RED) and Starbucks during the holiday season. The article quotes Starbucks SVP Michelle Gass: “If every single Starbucks customer bought one (RED) Holiday Exclusive (beverage) for a week, we would save 15,000 lives for a year in Africa.”

The (RED) Holiday Exclusive beverages will be the peppermint mocha twist, gingersnap latte and espresso truffle. They do not cost extra, and will be launching on November 27.

The article also states:

Starbucks paid an undisclosed licensing fee to (RED) and will donate directly to the Global Fund. The partnership is a multiyear commitment and could help thousands, depending on sales.

Bono remarked, “I was going to jump out of a cranberry scone, but maybe not.” He then went on to salute Starbucks for giving money to the Global Fund, saying that it was not charity, rather commerce.

(c) @U2/Lawrence, 2008