It was the best dressed general admission line I had ever stood in as a few thousand mortgage bankers and associates filled the Hynes Convention Center in Boston, Massachusetts today to hear Bono give the keynote address at their annual convention. The buzz was going through the building about Bono’s appearance very early on.
The doors to the general session room did not open until 8:15 a.m., and yet people were lining up well before the sun came out around 7 a.m. One woman standing in line said she received a phone call from a colleague at 7:15 a.m. who said that there were already 20 people in line waiting for the doors to open. As people were arriving and lining up for the doors to open, there was that same, familiar vibe in the room as if it was a concert and those in GA weren’t sure if they’d be able to get the position they wanted. The only things missing were sharpie numbers on hands and wristbands. Well, we all had to wear a namebadge, so I suppose that’s similar.
Bono’s remarks to the Mortgage Bankers Association can be seen as another opportunity to tell the story of what’s going on in Africa. The hardest sell was to convince mortgage bankers to forgive the loans – you think asking governments to do that is hard? Try mortgage bankers! Over Bono’s 45 minutes, he kept on message and dazzled (as he usually does) those with the thickest skin on issues that impact everyone in one way or another.
It was just surreal being in a room with roughly 2000 people in their business suits holding out their cell phones and cameras as if it was a U2 show – snapping photos throughout the remarks. There were a few people wearing their ONE Campaign or (RED) shirts, but the majority of the room was dressed in either black or navy blue.
It is hard to tell if his message softened the hearts of those in the room, but he certainly did his best on behalf of those he represents in Africa.
(c) @U2/Lawrence, 2007