San Francisco Comes Together as ONE

Tonight, shoppers at Nordstrom San Francisco Centre were treated to a special evening with Edun founder Ali Hewson and designer Rogan Gregory.

In town to promote the ONE Campaign T-shirts by Edun, the pair shared a video with the crowd featuring stars like Naomi Watts, Jimmy Fallon and Rosario Dawson. Following the presentation, they spoke briefly about the creation of their collection and their current efforts to bring more business to factories in Africa, Peru and India. Customers asked if the local governments were helping Edun, and Ali responded that in Lesotho specifically, they were getting “great support from the King.”

Trust me—that’s not something you hear every day in fashion.

Rogan also mentioned that usually in the apparel industry, designers want to keep their business model and ideas protected and secretive, but in this case, they’re encouraging other labels to borrow their ideas.

I sure hope they do.

(c) Kokkoris/@U2, 2006.