Reporting Live from London …

Tag, I’m it!

Now that our team of @U2 staffers has safely returned home from the Dublin shows, I (Tassoula) have grabbed the relay torch to continue the Euro-reporting … this time from London, England. Over the next 24 hours, I’ll be bringing you up-to-date insight on what U.K. radio personalities are now calling ‘The Gig of the Century.’

It’s Live 8. In Hyde Park. With the biggest music stars on the planet.

And I must say – this city is rising to the challenge. You can’t go anywhere in this town without seeing posters for the concerts, magazines featuring the artists and newspapers covering the G8 Summit like the Super Bowl. Little white bands are on the wrists of everyone and even St. Paul’s Cathedral has a huge white banner across the top of it, which reads ‘MAKE POVERTY HISTORY.’ And darn it, this time we’re going to.

I’ll be back tomorrow morning (local London time) with the latest on the U2 performance, chats with U2 fans from around the world and pictures from this historic event (as soon as I’m able to post them).


(c) Kokkoris/@U2, 2005.