First reaction: Whoa, this is cool. Now I don’t have to flip through U2 CDs to listen to all of the group’s best songs. What a novel idea! How can one band possibly write so many great songs during the ’80s, a time of big hair and spandex?
The music fits the mood: When one wants to think — about life. “Pride” conjures up images of Martin Luther King Jr. “I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For,” a song with an almost gospel feel, makes one think about God. “Sunday Bloody Sunday” makes you think about war.
What would your parents say? Most parents would enjoy this CD. U2 is a parent-friendly band: They don’t curse, usually aren’t loud and have sing-along choruses.
Biggest disappointment: Where is the song “40”? It’s one of the greatest U2 songs ever and it is not included on this compilation.
Would you buy it new or used? Definitely buy it new. This CD is the ultimate U2 album, and you would not want to risk buying a scratched copy by buying it used. The Best of 1980-1990 is an excellent U2 album to buy if you don’t have any other U2 CDs. I highly recommend it.
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